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Managing Up, Down, and All Around
Follow up videos to deepen your understanding of the Managing Up, Down, and All Around workshop by Simplified Coach. Managing Up, Down and All Around is about influencing and inspiring insights. We all interact with people who have different levels of responsibility, authority, and span of control. In this workshop, participants learn how to be a solid influence through positive assertive communication that works at any level, while building trust and respect. The primary model in this course covers five key factors that impact one’s influence-ability: Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness.
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What's included?
5 weeks of follow up videos
2. 5 Factors of SCARF
3. SCARFometer
4. Six Steps to Insight
5. Managing Up and Down
Meet the instructor
Christina Robberts Enneking
Christina is an experienced coach, facilitator, and leadership
consultant, supporting large and small businesses and individuals throughout Silicon Valley. Known as a catalyst for positive change,
Christina combines an entrepreneurial spirit with practical tools and skill practice to hone leadership skills, cultivate behavioral shifts
for maximum success, and increase personal motivation. Christina creates bridges between people and aligned purpose, orchestrating a balanced dance between playfulness and practicality, creativity and wisdom.
Patrick Jones - Course author